Winterville Forever


By Francis Eugene Wood
Illustrated by Dan Larson
Paperback, 104 pages
ISBN: 0-9746372-3-8

Reader’s reactions to WINTERVILLE FOREVER:

“Reading these stories is a wonderful way to spend a snowy winter day.”

“I didn’t want it to end.”

“Winterville Forever is a pure joy to read.”

“What imaginations!”

“Our family just loves the SnowPeople stories and sketches.”

“Winterville is my get-away vacation spot from today’s stress.”

See a review from Celebrating Virginia Magazine.

About the book:

In Winterville Forever the adventures of the SnowPeople continue in ways that capture the imaginations of young and old. Author Francis Wood has kept the excitement and wonder of his frosty characters fresh and thought provoking, while adding deminsion to their personalities.

Artist Dan Larsen meets the challenge as he paints and illustrates scene after scene with the exhileration of one who is absorbed in his work.

Winterville Forever is great winter reading whether you are young or young at heart. You will never look at a snowman the same again.

A note from the author:

I looked forward to writing Winterville Forever. It was such an escape for me to sit down and imagine life in that land far to the north. I would chuckle aloud at times as the stories came to me. Later, when Dan Larsen began illustrating the characters and events he would call me on the phone and laugh as he described a scene he had just rendered with pen or brush. We laughed like young boys as we spoke of our friends in Winterville and planned on future adventures.

It has always been our intention to persue bringing the SnowPeople to the big screen. As a matter of fact, Dan and I spoke of this only days before he died of a heart attack.

My friend never saw the finished book. But I assured him it was a beauty. And we agreed that we were far from finished with our frosty friends. One day you will see what I mean.

The Artist:

Carl Daniel Larsen was an artist of extraordinary talent and insight who brought his dreams to life in his watercolors and sketches. Whether it was snowmen or beautiful landscapes, river scenes or wildlife, Dan’s ability to display his heart and soul in his work was unmistakable.

“I will always feel blessed that I had the opportunity to work with Dan on the SnowPeople series” commented author Francis Wood. “…and I will miss his humor and enthusiasm. Dan was a wonderfully unique artist whose work will live on. Our SnowPeople series was his dream come true.”

Dan Larsen died on August 12, 2005 at the age of 56. But his dream will live on forever.